Roles on Parabol
A user can hold up to 4 roles and each role comes with certain permissions.
A Member is a user of one or more teams. A member can:
- Start and facilitate a meeting
- Create Custom Meeting Templates
- Remove themselves from a team or an organization
- Change a team name
- Set up integrations
- Add a new team
Team Lead
On every team, there is only one Team Lead. A Team Lead is a user who inherits all of the permissions of a Member and can also:
- Remove users from a team where they are Team Lead
- Delete a team where they are Team Lead
- Promote another user to be the Team Lead
Billing Leader
Teams exist on organizations.
In every organization, there is at least one Billing Leader. A Billing Leader inherits all of the permissions of a Member and can also:
- Manage Billing Information
- Promote another user to be a Billing Leader. More than one user can be a Billing Leader
- Export the user list to CSV
Note: a Billing Leader is not able to see all teams within an organization. Unless they are the Team Lead, they also cannot delete a team or remove users from a team.
Org Admin (Enterprise only)
On our Enterprise plan, organizations gain access to the Org Admin role.
An Org Admin inherits the permissions of a Billing Leader and a Team Lead, for all teams. They can also:
- Promote another user to be an Org Admin