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Lucky #7

Friday Ship #313 | August 26, 2022

parabol team playing pictionary with confetti

This week Parabol turned 7 .

I’m not much of a gambler, so I don’t know much about luck, but we did have a fun time gathering to celebrate Parabol’s 7th birthday this week.

Birthday Celebration

On Thursday we took a break from our regular schedule and gathered to celebrate Parabol’s birthday and play some virtual Pictionary. It always brings me joy to see us all on screen at the same time, since that happens so rarely. I was so busy enjoying the moment, I forgot to grab a screen shot before we split up in groups for the game. 😅

We used the help of Confetti to coordinate a game of Pictionary and according to our host, we tied his record of the most timezones for a game, with 7 timezones. Hey look…that number 7 again!

excellent drawing of a giraffe during pictionary with the parabol team

Merit Badges

As part of the birthday celebration we announced our new Parabol Merit Badges and all the members who have earned them so far. Who doesn’t love some gamification? (gotta collect them all!) Plus, it’s a fun way to recognize members who help shape our culture. For example,

  • Writing a Friday Ship, like I am right now, earns you the Writers Badge,
  • Participating in 5 or more panel interviews earns you the Culture Badge, and
  • Proposing new governance to help shape the way we work, earns you the Governance Badge.
parabol membership badges

I just realized we announced 7 merit badges…now I’m starting to freak myself out!!


Parabol core metrics for week ending Aug. 26, 2022

Top-of-funnel growth continues strongly, driving website traffic and sign-ups.

Meetings were down this week, after a few weeks of growth. We believe it’s a combination of our standups tool finding steady users after a boom post-launch, and teams being in the off-week of their sprint rhythms.

This week we…

published a blog post on Daily Huddles. Check out how daily meetings are like different coffees.

added a Scrum Values retrospective template to our product. With this template teams can evaluate to what extent they are embodying the values of the Scrum guide.

shipped v6.72.0.

Next week we’ll…

wrap up the final sprint of the Trimester.

Have feedback? See something that you like or something you think could be better? Please write to us.

Kendra Dixon

Kendra Dixon

Kendra leads operations at Parabol with over 15 years of experience building and managing teams in remote work environments. She came to Parabol from Techstars where she managed the first remote accelerator supporting startups focused on the future of work. Kendra lives and works in Northern California.

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