This week we said, “so long!” to 2020 and reflected back on the year.
When this year began our company was just 3 full-time employees. Then, the pandemic hit.
The world rushed quickly to adapt to a new remote way of working, and over 60,000 of you came to run your first meetings on Parabol. As the world locked down, we hurried to build capacity. “Capacity” might be the theme for the year: the capacity to adapt, the capacity to endure, the capacity to keep caring and carry on.
We conclude 2020 as a different product and a different company (indeed, we’re now 12 people and growing). We’re grateful to be here for you and serving your teams. Here’s to a kinder, gentler 2021. Seasons greetings, happy holidays, and happy new year!
– The Parabol Team
We’ve been surprised by the intensity of top of funnel and user signup activity as the year concludes. As far as we can tell, while the number of weekly meetings fell expectedly this week, it seems individuals have already begun evaluating new tools for their teams to use next year.
This week we…
…shipped v5.28.0 into the wild. This update largely contains enhancements for Sprint Poker (which is still behind a feature flag). Two of the bigger changes include being able to rank Parabol tasks/stories and a heuristic for detecting Jira integration pointing fields automatically.
…published two great new posts on agile teamwork: 8 Sprint Retrospective Games for Remote & Hybrid Teams and 5 Sprint Retrospective Ideas for the Year End.
…kicked off the last development sprint of the year. We’ve got improvements to the retrospective grouping process, adding support for multiple SSO domains for a single Enterprise customer organization, and some awesome Sprint Poker template enhancements queued up for our next release cycle.

Next week we’ll…
…send our employees off on holiday beginning December 24th through January 3rd. See you all you avid Friday Ship readers next year!
Have feedback? See something that you like or something you think could be better? Leave a public response here, or write to us.